Billetterie® IP Online Solutions

The Billetterie® IP online workflow utilises service request processes for the filing of trade marks, patents, industrial designs and copyright new applications, IP renewals, restorations and related intellectual property artifects. Clients interact with the national office after being registered as a customer of the national office and upon creation of a credit account for payments with the institution. Successful transacting with the national office is only enabled once the client conforms to The IP online workflow is a multi-channel portal that allows filing through a web-client which is a platform for individuals to file single applications or a series of applications to the national office using standard electronic forms aligned to the office practice rules, intellectual property acts and regulations

The CUBA desktop client allows IP practising firms to e-file using standard XML schemas for filings to the national office. This facility enables law firms to file bulk applications to the national office based on the specified XML schema and technical parameters. CUBA Pro is a third-party application that integrates client practice management systems to the national office utilising a combination of XML schemas and APIs for automated extraction of client portfolios and e-files, filing them directly to the national office. Irrespective of the filing channel used, once applications are submitted to IP Online the applications are verified for compliance to business rules.

During the validation process in the workflow, the function will check accuracy of IP classes, correctness of content, source documentation and that all attachments are appended for compliance to business regulations. An error log is created for applications or batches with errors, clients interacts with the system to fix the errors and re-submit their respective applications back to the national office. This collaboration enhances the client experience as clients are enabled to interact through the portal and are assisted with the resolution of their service requests. Once validations are successful, applications proceed through the workflow portal up to the point where the client account is billed, an electronic invoice created, and applications are moved to the processing queue.

Once payment for e-filed applications are confirmed it will be processed and electronic filing receipts linked to the client service request, will be issued. In the case of failed or declined payments the application(s) will be routed to the “referral” queue “where a payment window will be open” until such time that the payments are confirmed, and funds reflects. The applications will be referred to the processing queue for processing. Successful payments secure clients’ filing priorities. Collaboration and communication is effected by the IP online messaging and notification functionality which is designed to keep clients appraised of the status of their applications, progress within the filing cycle and any associated filing communication. Billetterie® IP solution supports billing and payment processing as illustrated below.

Reduces turnaround times.

Increase productivity of agents.

Increase productivity of IP attorneys.

Improved transparency into the back-office and front-end processes.

Improves quality of processes, data and data-sources.

Aligns the organisation to Acts, regulations, governance and international standards.

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