Billetterie® CSM Solution

The Billetterie® client services management workflow is the primary workflow for the resolution of customer service requests. It connects clients and users through a simple portal and facilitates collaboration in respect of requested services, business enquiries, incidents and the intelligent services knowledge base. This module of Billetterie® issues tickets as the link and reference connecting clients to the agents and related service queries, new requests for services and client services resolutions. The ticket is the client reference and is managed throughout its life-cycle “from cradle to grave”. The ticket contains the service request, service delivery parameters (SLA), and the history of resolution services against that ticket. The data related to the ticket is also used to log performance statistic.

A delay in attending to the ticket triggers reminders to the resolution agent assigned to the task. The point of triggering reminders is configurable based on the time-to-open metric (TTS). The progress of resolving the problem or query is measured against the time-to-resolve metric (TTR). Escalations are triggered if progress is seen to be compromising the ability to resolve the ticket within total SLA time (TST). The ticket resolution is concluded when the user accepts the (proposed) solution or defaults to the auto-close option.

It connects clients and users through a simple portal and facilitates collaboration in respect of requested services, business enquiries, incidents and the intelligent services knowledge base.

The ticket contains the service request, service delivery parameters (SLA), and the history of resolution services against that ticket.

Client collaboration and ticket resolution are simplified using a multi-channel, easy portable, 24/7 response process, creating a personal and unique customer experience.

Make sure that the service request and query processes are well documented and synchronized with the organisational knowledge base for effective response to service requests and queries.

Ensure that users are acquainted with all the steps in the ticket resolution process, the transfer points, the risk, escalations, early warnings and associated benefits or consequences pertaining to business response.

The integration capabilities of the Billetterie client services module consolidates processes resident on different technology platforms through its smart plug-ins and application program interfaces (APIs), it is easy, SMART and gives client business environments a competitive edge.

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